As we approach the beginning of the active year which, in the old Celtic calendar, is called Imbolc (pr. Im’olc), our thoughts turn to what we would like to achieve. This is the time to sow the seeds that we will nurture through Spring and Summer in the hope of reaping a harvest come Autumn.
Anyone who grows vegetables and flowers in their garden will tell you that many of the seeds they plants do not germinate. This is the nature of seeds. A lot depends upon the quality of the plant from which they came and on the growing medium, the nutrients available to it, the water supply and so on.
The mental seeds we plant at Imbolc are our hopes and dreams, our wishes for the year. The plant they grew on was our own self, our thoughts and desires experienced during the previous year.
Now the more logically minded folk might be tempted to sift through their seeds, weighing up each one and saying of some, “This could happen.” And of others, “That will never happen!” But I ask you to set aside logic entirely and plant them all anyway.
We are now in, what many are calling, the quantum age when our very thoughts can affect the environment around us. We are learning that change starts with us. If we want to change our life we need first to feel it in our heart and plant our seeds from that place with no judgement or expectation. Offer it up to the Universe and let it take its course.
Let’s look at it this way. If you don’t plant the seed, your absolutely know nothing will grow. But if you do plant the seed with a heart felt prayer, you give the Universe the opportunity to change your life.
That is the energy of this season of Imbolc. Anything could happen! It is a very magical time.
So forget new year’s resolution, it is much more fun to work with magic. Think about the seeds you really want to sow and, no matter how woo-woo they may seem, plant them anyway. Let go of past experiences, allow yourself to enter the new quantum age, step back and let the Universe do its thing.
Blessings of this season of awakening.