As the sun set over the hills at the Winter Solstice, I offered up a prayer to Spirit: that when the sun returns to this place again, I will be able to look back upon a year that will have seen an amazing awakening in humankind.
I know I am not alone in this prayer and I know that it is not a pipe dream.
There is an opportunity of us all to awaken right now. It is in the heavens, we can tune into it with our heart, and we have the option to respond and be part of the great awakening.
The last time I felt this optimistic about the new calendar year was in 2000 when I stood with friends on the bank of the Thames watching an amazing firework display. Everyone was upbeat, happy and smiling.
Of course, changes in humankind do not happen at the stroke of midnight. It takes a generation before we can see a change in the pattern. This is generally taken as 25 years.
So I am thinking about all the babies that were conceived that night – turning 25 this year. It is a very potent age. Enough life experience to be knowledgeable and enough energy to look ahead and be really effective for change.
That doesn’t mean that those of us born in the previous millennium can sit back and rest on our laurels. Far from it. We are well aware of the pace of change. For example, our parents marvelled at the international telephone network which allowed them to speak with family members across the globe. My generation had the internet and access to information previously locked away in libraries. Now there is AI…
When you look at it that way, change actually happens rather quickly.
I am confident that my generation has played its part in preparing the soil for this next generation to plant challenging seeds of change. We need to stay up beat and encourage those planting them.
So today I offer another prayer for the coming year: that we may turn away from negative thinking; see the good in each other; find the common ground; and work together to make good things happen.
Join me and may the blessings of this season of new hope be with you abundantly.
PS: I wanted to incorporate a seasonal crystal grid with this message but my star marble polar bear wanted to be greet everyone. So here she is catching her jade salmon among ice floes of howlite and spar, with a back drop of quartz and apophylite clusters.