Possibility and Potential

Awake! Awake! ‘Tis the Season of Possibility! ‘Tis the Season of Potential!

The only thing about Possibility and Potential that can sometimes hold us back is that we have to do some work to make anything of them.

As a somewhat cerebral person, I love January. I creep into my Earth cave and dream up ideas for working with all that Possibility and Potential. The Earth cave is the place you can go to during the cold dark winter months for respite and regeneration (think like a bear).

November is the time to digest all that happened during the year and mull things over but then the darker days of December encourage us into deep sleep when we just do what needs to be done, nothing more; catch up on those books we want to read, do the crossword we never normally make time for. You know, just chill and go easy on yourself.

As January moves on, we can move into the equivalent of REM sleep and dream up some dreams. Now we are really working with Possibility and Potential.

But… January is moving on and taking us with it. It might still be cold and icy outside but the alarm is about to go off. We need to get up and make our morning tea. As we sip it, we can make some decisions about what we are going to do with all that Possibility and Potential.

This doesn’t mean you have to throw out everything you were doing and start again, it just means that you can give yourself a review. Are you on the right path? Because, if the path you are on does not make you happy, something needs to be done. Are you looking forward to the things you have already set in train? Are you excited about what will come into fruition this year? You are? Great! Carry on and make the most of Possibility and Potential in all that you are doing.

If not, then maybe a few tweaks will help.

What kind of tweaks?

Well hand in hand with Possibility and Potential is another asset called Intention. Intention can be our friend and will be right there at the source of our inspiration. It will be there when we plant the seeds of our ideas. It will hold our hand as we water and nurture those seeds. In fact, Intention has to be with us at the beginning of everything we want to achieve. Without Intention, our heart will not be in it; and if our heart is not in something, it is not worth doing.

Well, I’ve had a good cup of morning tea! I have set some things in motion this year, some personal to me and some I look forward to sharing.

I wish you many blessings of this Season of Imbolc.